About me

I am Marcos, a brazilian Chemical Engineer from Universidade de BrasĂ­lia (UnB). I studied a lot about the cosmetics industry and environmental engineering while in college. I graduated at December 2021 and I have been developing some cosmetics, cleaning products and perfumes for hobby since 2019.

I discovered the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence fields in the middle of 2021 and immediately fell in love with it. I have been studying a lot of the field since then and joined a voluntary project willing to delve into the subject in a company called Softex . The project’s name was “Popularizando a InteligĂȘncia Artificial” and it’s main goal was to create content and make videos about some AI subjects to teach them in a simple way, in which any person could understand, even with no prior technology background.

Recently, I have been focusing my effort and free time into studying and building a consistent background in Data Science and Machine Learning by taking online courses, reading books, kaggle notebooks, medium posts, and joining some data science communities. I aim to get a job in the field as soon as possible and evolve more every day.

Technologies I already know:

  • R and RMarkdown
  • Azure ML
  • Python (Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Seaborn, Matplotlib…)
  • SQL (Postgres and MySQL)
  • Power BI

Tecnhologies I am studying

  • Py Spark
  • Apache Hadoop
  • TensorFlow